Network Verification Tool (NetVT)

Report information from SNMP-enabled devices

For the network devices that support the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), NetVT can display the information gathered from the managed information database (MIB) for these devices, such as the tactical radios & managed switches/routers.


For the tactical radios, NetVT displays the following information gathered from the MIB:

  • General radio properties
  • Properties for each radio channel
  • Neighbor table for each radio channel (as shown in the example figure)
  • Forwarding table for each radio channel

NetVT Radio Neighbor Table Screen

NetVT Radio Neighbor Table

For the managed switches, NetVT displays the following information gathered from the MIB.

  • Information on each port/interface (e.g., speed, MAC address, etc.) (as shown in the example figure)
  • Packet monitor showing the packets on each port/interface on 3 second intervals

NetVT Switch Interfaces Screen

NetVT Switch Interfaces